Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Four Seasons of the Otter Tail River

About two and a half years ago, my family bought a house on the Otter Tail River.
When we first got the house, I wasn't too sure about rivers.
I had never been around them much and thought they were kind of scary.

It didn't take too long before I fell in love with my river.
It is gentle, playful, and crystal clear.

Winter is a beautiful time on the river.

Fresh snow greatly enhances the river's beauty.

The river slowly freezes over in the wintertime. First the edges freeze,
then the rest slowly freezes over.

In the spring time, the willow leaves soften the landscape.

Often the river is warmer than the air in the early morning. 
On such occasions there is a magical fog throughout the valley.

 The river has a beautiful, smooth surface that reflects the blue of the sky.

During the fall, leaves fall on the river and gracefully float down with the current.

 No matter the season, there is always beauty on the river.

Thank you all for stopping by. This was written by a college student miles away from her river who is looking forward to seeing it at Christmas when it will be gorgeous. 
That's all for now,

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