Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Four Seasons of the Otter Tail River

About two and a half years ago, my family bought a house on the Otter Tail River.
When we first got the house, I wasn't too sure about rivers.
I had never been around them much and thought they were kind of scary.

It didn't take too long before I fell in love with my river.
It is gentle, playful, and crystal clear.

Winter is a beautiful time on the river.

Fresh snow greatly enhances the river's beauty.

The river slowly freezes over in the wintertime. First the edges freeze,
then the rest slowly freezes over.

In the spring time, the willow leaves soften the landscape.

Often the river is warmer than the air in the early morning. 
On such occasions there is a magical fog throughout the valley.

 The river has a beautiful, smooth surface that reflects the blue of the sky.

During the fall, leaves fall on the river and gracefully float down with the current.

 No matter the season, there is always beauty on the river.

Thank you all for stopping by. This was written by a college student miles away from her river who is looking forward to seeing it at Christmas when it will be gorgeous. 
That's all for now,

Saturday, July 1, 2017

A Woman and her Garden // Part 1

"A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness;
it teaches industry and thrift;
above all it teaches entire trust."

-Gertrude Jekyll

As you walk through this gate,
you see almost too much to take in. 
There is much beauty in small details.

"There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments." 
-Janet Kilburn Phillips 

Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized.
-Allan Armitage 

"When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.
-Minnie Aumonier

Throughout the whole garden are paving blocks surrounded by 
a beautiful red mulch.

The planters used are many and of various types.

Purple flowers on a just as purple chair. 
Can you guess the gardeners favorite color?

An old stump was hollowed out and now is home to this plant.

Practicality meets beauty. 
Lavender and other herbs are mixed with the flowers.

Many rocks are in the garden and each has a story.

This rabbit on a rock as a very interesting story:
The gardener was chasing a rabbit out of her garden,
tripped on the rock and broke her elbow.
She picked up this rabbit at a Garage Sale and placed it on the rock
in memory of that rabbit.

Thanks for stopping by.

P.S. Come back for part two.

Friday, May 26, 2017

April Showers.......... .......bring May Flowers

I have been planning to to this post since the beginning of May. Oops. I guess they say "better late than never."

Anyway, here is a bunch of pictures from around my yard. 

Our cherry trees were covered with blossoms.

The bees just love the blossoms and are so calm that I can get very close for pictures

The sky was a striking blue.

The plum blossoms fell like snow in the wind.

The morning sky always makes me think of that song in Mary Poppins,
"Ain't it a glorious day,
Right as a morning in May,
I feel like I could fly,
Have you ever seen the grass so green?
Or a bluer sky.

Thank you for stopping by,

Friday, April 14, 2017

// Spring \\

Spring has finally sprung in Minnesota. The outside world is just bursting with evidence. Today I will share a few of these signs.

 Daffodils blooming gorgeously.

 Rhubarb emerging from the ground.

Raspberries showing what summer will bring.

Green plants in the flower bed.

 Even dandelions are beautiful in the spring.

Wheat returning after its long, winter nap.

Trees just starting to bud out.

These are just a few small, but hopeful, signs that spring is here. What are you enjoying about spring? Comment below and let me know.
Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, February 18, 2017


I was looking in our flower bed and could not believe my eyes when I saw this:

Thanks for stopping by,

Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Peek Into My Life

My mornings are full of school, (which is so boring I could not bring myself to take a picture).
After lunch I enjoy walking somewhere in our neighborhood.

Today I chose to walk to the bridge. I think we have a beautiful road.

Here is the river looking north from the bridge. There is very little open water now.

Sometime throughout the afternoon I spend some time practicing piano and violin. Right now I am working on a senior recital so I have plenty of practicing to do.

I have white lights in my room that I think are especially fun.

By the way I LOVE Aaron Copeland's duet of Simple Gifts.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 27, 2017

// One Winter Day \\

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Not much has been happening to post about. Here is a peek into my winter.

 Wood piles are very photogenic.

 We received just a hint of fresh snow yesterday.

 Smokey, just because.

 I love how something as simple as frozen water shows beauty and design.

 Another angle of the ice.

Our rose bush has icicles!

Thank you for stopping by.