Friday, January 27, 2017

// One Winter Day \\

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Not much has been happening to post about. Here is a peek into my winter.

 Wood piles are very photogenic.

 We received just a hint of fresh snow yesterday.

 Smokey, just because.

 I love how something as simple as frozen water shows beauty and design.

 Another angle of the ice.

Our rose bush has icicles!

Thank you for stopping by.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Just One

Today is one of those clear, cold winter days. My dog accurately captured the mood of the day.
Stay warm,

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Looking Back on Twenty-Sixteen

Twenty-Sixteen started with a new camera! In January I purchased my Nikon and instantly fell in love!

This was taken while learning how to use my camera.

 Then Emily came home on spring break so we did some pictures.

My cousin Esther also visited.

 I got to see these adorable lambs in April.

 Spring's first tulip.

Another lamb.

May was full of gorgeous blossoms like this one.

 June was a fun month.

 I think we can all agree fresh strawberries are a dream come true!

 I shot Esther again while visiting her for a cousins wedding.

 July was full of work and not many pictures.

In August, I met the ocean.

 Washington is incredibly beautiful, but I am still a Minnesota girl.

 The Northern Cascade mountains are HUGE!

 I have to admit, I fell in love with Montana.


 October yielded a new lens which I love more every time I use it.

 I photographed Skylar in October as well.

Hot cocoa, just because.

 November gave snow and adorable chickadees.

 Isn't he just adorable!?

December brought about Christmas and the end of Twenty-Sixteen.

We had family visit after Christmas.

Happy New Year everyone!